PhD students and postdocs

PhD students and research assistants

Diana Hedevang Christensen

Postdoc Department of Clinical Medicine - Department of Clinical Epidemiology

Sandra Sif Gylfadottir

Clinical Associate Professor Department of Clinical Medicine - The Danish Pain Research Center

Karolina Snopek Khan

External VIP Department of Clinical Medicine - The Department of Neurology

Alexander Gramm Kristensen

Postdoc Department of Clinical Medicine - The Danish Pain Research Center

Thorsten Kamlarczyk Rasmussen

Researcher Department of Clinical Medicine - The Danish Pain Research Center

Ellen Lund Schaldemose

External VIP Department of Clinical Medicine - The Danish Pain Research Center

Signe Vogel

PhD Student Department of Clinical Medicine

Postdocs and senior researchers

Signe Toft Andersen

Researcher Department of Clinical Medicine - The Danish Pain Research Center

Páll Karlsson

Associate Professor Department of Clinical Medicine - The Danish Pain Research Center

Astrid Juhl Terkelsen

Clinical Professor Department of Clinical Medicine - The Department of Neurology